
Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Day 6: Hola: Week 2 - Culture, Costumes and Climate

Day 6 - Week 2

This week you will be introduced to life in a new country. You will learn about the language, weather, family structure and school system in that country. You will then be invited to create and share your blogs with people currently living in each of these countries! To get started, take a look at the activities for Day 6 – Hola!

Kia ora! G’day! Selamat! Guten Morgen! Hola! Welcome to the beautiful country of your choice. Before you leave the airport and go to your hotel, you will want to learn how to say hello in the language of your country. Look at the table below to learn basic words and phrases that you may need when you are travelling around the country.
Canada, United Kingdom, Australia
Chile, Mexico
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Thank You
Terima kasih
Do you speak English?
¿Habla usted Inglés?
Sprechen sie Englisch?
Adakah anda bercakap Bahasa Inggeris?
Eigo o hanasemasu ka?
Hal tatahaddath alanjlyzy?
Praat jy Engels?

Activity 1

Once you have read these phrases you will be ready to leave the airport and head to your hotel. Take a moment and imagine how you might feel if you were standing in the airport in a foreign country and you had to figure out how to communicate with people in a brand new language. Would you be scared? Would you feel confident? Write a short poem that describes how you might be feeling (i.e. excited, happy, scared, nervous, etc).
T : tense
R: really scared
A: anxious
V: very adventurous
E: expectant
L: loyal
Activity 2
Take a selfie that captures how you might be feeling. I think that I would most likely be feeling scared.

I think I would feel worried.

Bonus Activity
Translate the following five basic travel phrases into Spanish, German, Malaysian, Japanese, Arabic or Afrikaans. Use the Google Translate website to do the translations.
Type the English phrase into the box on the left. Choose the language that you want it translated into on the right and then click the blue ‘Translate’ button. It will translate the English word or phrase into another language. Pretty cool ‘eh?!
I decided to translate all the phrases into each language because I wanted to see the translations and if I could try and say them myself.
Good morning = Buenos dias
Good bye = Adiós
How much does this cost? = Cuánto cuesta este
When is the next bus? = Cuándo pasa el próximo autobús
Where is the nearest hospital? = Dónde está el hospital más cercano
Good morning = Guten Morgen
Good bye = Auf Wiedersehen
How much does this cost? = Wie viel kostet das?
When is the next bus? = Wann fährt der nächste Bus?
Where is the nearest hospital? = Wo ist das nächste Krankenhaus
Good morning = Selamat Pagi
Good bye = Selamat tinggal
How much does this cost? = Berapa harga ini?
When is the next bus? = Bilakah bas seterusnya
Where is the nearest hospital? = Mana hospital yang terdekat?
Good morning = おはようございます
Good bye = さようなら
How much does this cost? = この費用はいくらですか?
When is the next bus? = 次のバスはいつですか?
Where is the nearest hospital? = 一番近い病院はどこですか?
Good morning = صباح الخير
Good bye = وداعا
How much does this cost? = كم سعر هذا؟
When is the next bus? = متى ستأتي الحافلة القادمة ؟
Where is the nearest hospital? = أين يقع أقرب مستشفى؟
Good morning = Goeie more
Good bye = totsiens
How much does this cost? = Hoeveel kos dit?
When is the next bus? = Wanneer is die volgende bus ?
Where is the nearest hospital? = Waar is die naaste hospitaal


  1. Hey Mikaela,

    Great photo I would be feeling nervous to. Keep up the great work! :)

  2. Hello Mikaela,

    I agree with Katelyn your selfie is great! But I would be more scared then worried.

    Great work and remember to keep blogging!

  3. Hello Mikaela,

    I agree with Katelyn your selfie is great! But I would be more scared then worried.

    Great work and remember to keep blogging!

  4. Hi Mikaela,

    Wow - this is an excellent blog post. You have completed all three activities to a very high standard. Way to go!

    I really like the acrostic poem that you wrote. Choosing the word 'TRAVEL' was perfect! You have also captured your feelings about travelling to a new country in your selfie. I can completely understand that you would feel nervous. It's a big deal to travel so far away! It will definitely be worth the trouble but it is a nerve wracking thing to do, especially at first.

    I am confident that you will feel less nervous once you've arrived in Canada and settled in. Fortunately, the language is the same so you won't have to use too many of your translated phrases!

    On that note, good job with the translations. I love it that you took it upon yourself to translate the phrases into each of the various languages. That would have taken you a long time. Great initiative and great effort!

    Keep up this awesome work, Mikaela. You, and all of the students at St Pius X, are truly blogging superstars!

    Cheers, Rachel

  5. Goodness, Mikaela, what a lot of work you've done to complete all of the translations and to take your selfie!! Well done!

    I too would be nervous traveling to a country in which I wouldn't know or be able to speak the language. That is a little scary, isn't it?!!

    Fortunately, if you ever come to Canada you will be able to speak the language and so I think you'd find this an easy country to travel through! And there are many adventures you could have here! We have mountains to climb, lakes to swim in and to paddle on, and miles and miles of roads and paths on which you could bike or hike. Next year is the 150th anniversary of the founding of our country so there are many special events planned. There will be many festivals and opportunities to enjoy special gatherings celebrating our music and culture. It will be an interesting year. My husband and I are excited because we just received a free pass to all of our national parks! A number of these parks are thousands of miles away so we won't be able to visit them all, but we'll try hard to see some of the country that we haven't seen before. Exciting!

    Are there parts of New Zealand that you'd like to travel and see that you haven't had a chance to visit before?

    I hope you're loving your holiday time!


  6. Hi Mikaela,

    What a great way to start Week 2! I really enjoyed reading your acrostic poem, I think it sums up perfectly how you might be feeling in a new country. It was really clever to think of doing your poem like that, and I like how you even used the word TRAVEL as your base for the poem!

    Great selfie too Mikaela :-) it suits the tone of your poem really well, and you certainly do look a little bit worried. Although I hope once you get there that there's not too much to be worried about?

    I am so impressed that you were able to translate ALL of the different languages, and gave them all a go? That's awesome! Which language did you find the hardest to translate and say out loud? Lucky for you that they speak English in Canada, so you should be okay :-) Can you speak any other languages? I wish I could, but if I could learn any language at all I reckon I would learn how to speak Maori.

