Day 2: The Roaring 20’s
(The 1920s)
Activity 1: Popular Culture – The Silent Movie 
The 1920s saw a massive surge in the number of
people going to the movies. Huge new cinemas
were built in both Auckland (The Civic Theatre)
and Dunedin (Empire De Luxe). The most popular
type of movies showing at local NZ cinemas were
silent film. It features a famous actor named Charlie
what you think the movie is about. There are no words
spoken movie so you will need to pay careful attention
to what the actors are doing! Do you think you would
enjoy watching a silent film? Why/Why not?
Movie Review:
This movie is about 4 main characters who are on about
their lives searching for Gold on a race. They think that
new lives are ahead of them but each time they try
something goes wrong. I think that I wouldn’t enjoy
watching silent films on a daily basis because they just
aren’t something that I’d be able to watch for more than
10-20 minutes because without words or anything being
spoken it wouldn’t be entertaining at all, from my point of
Activity 2: Art Deco
In the 1920s a new artistic movement emerged in New
Zealand (and around the world). It was called ‘Art Deco.’
The above is a classic example of an ‘Art Deco’ piece.
Take a close look at the painting.
Do you like it?
On your blog, give the painting a rating out of 5 stars
(1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting,
3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and
5 stars = amazing painting). After you’ve rated the
painting out of 5, tell us why you gave it that rating.
Above: Self Portrait : By Tamara de Lempicka
I gave this Painting a 4 Star Rate ( ⅘ ) because to me
it isn’t such a great painting, it just seems old-fashioned
but also not full of much colour, which I usually like.
Bonus Activity: Crossing the Tasman
In 1928, a crew of four men flew, for the first time, across
the Tasman from Australia to New Zealand. One of the
Zealander named T.H. McWilliams. His job was to operate
the radio in the airplane. Unfortunately, the radio stopped
working shortly after take-off and the rain and ice were
so heavy that the pilot, Kingsford Smith, couldn’t see
out of his front windscreen. Yikes! Fortunately, the plane
made it all the way across the Tasman landing in
Christchurch after a 14 hour trip.
Imagine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write
a poem that describes how you would have felt when
you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip.
Remember, there are lots of different types of poems,
and they don’t all have to rhyme. You can read more
Continuous Ride
Face Stomach and Head Aching
Hey there Mikaela, thanks for working so hard on the Summer Learning Journey programme. You are a wonderful blogger!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your haiku. I only realised it was a haiku after reading it several times. Then I checked the syllable count. 5-7-5 well done! You chose fantastic words and didn't waste any syllables. Excellent stuff!
I especially like the word 'continuous'. It makes me think about how long it took and how it dragged on and on and never seemed to be over. Your poem helps the reader to realise how tough the journey was!
Keep up the great work Mikaela.
Hey Mikaela,
ReplyDeleteGreat rating for the painting, I agree it does need some more bold colors because it looks a bit to bland.
I didn't realize your poem was a haiku until billy mentioned it in his comment, you have a great sense of words but maybe next time you could name the poem you are writing.
Katelyn : )
Konichiwa Mikaela,
ReplyDeletemy name is Cia. I am a Ako Hiko Summer Learning Journey commentator who will be working with various bloggers over the summer break.
Activity 1:
You’ve been very thorough with your response and thoughts about the silent movie ‘Gold Rush’, I can tell you were indeed paying close attention! I tend to agree with your comment about not enjoying silent movies so much on a regular basis, it wouldn’t be entertaining for me either. Perhaps next time you could write an imaginary script for the movie trailers, do you have any ideas about where you’d start? I bet it’d be highly entertaining.
Activity 2:
I appreciate your honesty about your opinion regarding the artwork, I think it’s awesome that you could pinpoint your own taste in art to support your opinion. You did give the painting a pretty high score, so there must be something you like about it.
My favourite part is how some of the painting looks 2D and 3D. What is your favourite part of the portrait?
It was a joy reading your work, I look forward to
reading more this summer!
Toe feiloa’i fo’i ('See you again' in Samoan),